Living an abundant life

Living our life in abundance is possible, it takes changing our mental attitude and our persective on the things around us, many do not realize how much our environment and past experiences shape our daily actions. Before we can make the changes of improvement in our lives we will need to first recognize what habits and patterns we have become accustomed to doing. Self-talk is one of the best indicators of where we are right now.
What we say to ourselves becomes reality, our subconscious mind does not know the differnce and the good thing is that our mind will take what we say and reproduce it as fact. Our goal should be to become the true positive being we are inside each day, say a kind word, be a help to others, be grateful and thankful for all that we have, avoid stress and recognize the true peace that comes from slowing down and living in the moment. Find joy in each day of our daily activities find ways to make things better and document the progress we make, this is how to live abundantly by practicing these simple steps on a daily basis.
  1. Decide in word, deed, speech, action, that I will be a blessing to others
  2. Find a way to share some happy thoughts with self
  3. Write down 3 things that I like about my life
  4. Work on ways to increase those 3 things so that my days are filled with more things I like
  5. Become the positive person I am inside as often as possible no matter what others are doing or saying

With just these 5 steps we can attain abundant living and reach a level of peace that keeps us going and seeking more ways to the path of positive living.